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A striking 16th century two-sheet plan of Jerusalem

Stock No. 13598 Category: Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , Cartographer: BRAUN, Georg & HOGENBERG, Frans.

Ierusalem et suburbia eius, sicut tempore Christi floruit...
Cologne, 1588-, German text edition. Fine original colour. Two sheets, total 725 x 480mm.


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Jerusalem at the time of Christ, based on the plan by Christian van Adrichom (1533-1585), but enlarged and oriented to the north. The most important buildings are shown in profile, most with C16th architecture rather than first century.

It is one of the few historical plates published in the 'Civitates Orbis Terrarum', the first series of printed town plans, a monumental six-volume work published 1572-1618.

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Ierusalem et suburbia eius, sicut tempore Christi floruit…


Cologne, 1588-, German text edition. Fine original colour. Two sheets, total 725 x 480mm.


A good example.


LAOR: 1041.