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A chart of the constellations Canis Major and Minor with transparent ‘stars’

Stock No. 23029 Category: Tags: , , , Cartographer: BRAUN, Friedrich.

Pl.XXVIII. Le Grand Chien. The Great Dog. Der Grofse Hund.
Stuttgart: Wilhelm Nitzschke, c.1856. Lithographic star chart on blue card, pierced and backed with tissue to create a transparency. Sheet 225 x 285mm.


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A chart of the constellation Canis Major, with the outline pricked out and with yellow shaped holes for the stars, so they are illuminated when the card is held up to the light. The stars are shaped to represent their apparent magnitude.
From Braun's 'Himmels-Atlas in transparente Karten'.

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Dimensions285 × 225 mm



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Pl.XXVIII. Le Grand Chien. The Great Dog. Der Grofse Hund.


Stuttgart: Wilhelm Nitzschke, c.1856. Lithographic star chart on blue card, pierced and backed with tissue to create a transparency. Sheet 225 x 285mm.


A good example.
