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A late-18th century terrestrial pocket globe with a celestial case

Stock No. 23976 Category: Tags: , Cartographer: CARY, John & William.

Cary's Pocket Globe agreeable to the latest Discoveries.


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A fine pocket globe by brothers John Cary (c.1754-1835) and William (c.1760-1835), who had separate businesses as a map publisher and a scientific instrument maker respectively, but worked together to produce globes.
This globe was their first, and does indeed show the latest discoveries, for example those of Alexander Mackenzie in Canada, 1789. The routes of Cook's three voyages are also marked.
This globe was sold in different combinations: as part of an orrery and tellurian; as a pair with a celestial globe, with a map of the world in the time of Caesar as the case lining; and, as here, with the gores used for the matching celestial globe as the lining.

Additional information

Dimensions80 × 80 mm



Extra Info

Cary's Pocket Globe agreeable to the latest Discoveries.


Outer surface of case cracked, very minor staining on globe.


DEKKER: Globes at Greenwich, GLB0001 & GLB0066 for the celestial globe; VAN DER KROGT: Old Globes in the Netherlands, Car 1.