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John Oxley’s mapping of New South Wales

Stock No. 24519 Category: Tags: , , , Cartographer: HALL, Sidney.

Colony of New South Wales.
London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green, 1828. Original outline colour. 535 x 440mm.


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A detailed map of New South Wales based on the important surveys of John Oxley who, as Surveyor General of New South Wales, published his map in 1822. It shows the colony divided into the countys of Cambridge, Ayr, Roxburgh, Durham, Northumberland, Londonderry, Westmorland, Cumberland, Camden and Argyll. Outside the settled areas the map shows the east coast of Australia from Brisbane south to Cape Howe and Oxley's mapping of the Lachan River (1817) and Macquarie River (1818), with three large areas of 'unexplored country'.

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Dimensions440 × 535 mm



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Colony of New South Wales.


London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green, 1828. Original outline colour. 535 x 440mm.


A good example.
